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Sunday, March 28, 2021

2020華埠購買活魚+中英名對照 Buy live fish in pandemic Oakland Chinatown

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疫情居家令2020年3月開始,屋崙華埠(奧克蘭唐人街)2月份海鮮就開始大減價,野生魚的供應商降價促銷, 我們可以買到一些昂貴的魚。以前沒注意屋埠的魚名字基本上是中文, 我發現網上同名字的魚(主要是香港的),圖片看起來與華埠的完全不一樣。直到六月,我才理解這裡的魚, 儘管中文名稱相同, 是不同的品種(species)。這裡所謂石斑魚是Rockfish(鱸形目平鮋科), 在亞洲是Grouper(鱸形目鮨科石斑魚亞科)。 一直我只在屋崙華埠購買食物, 發現不那麼擁擠,更敞開通氣, 人們更習慣戴口罩, 特別是買活魚,也幫朋友買, 是疫情中有趣的活動。9月中旬以後,我們有機會去半月灣(Half Moon Bay)買活魚,更加了解美國魚類(以前沒注意)。Despite using the same Chinese names, the fish here is Rockfish (Scorpaenidae Scorpaeniformes鮋形目鮋科, common bottom fish along California coast) and in Asia it is Grouper (Perciformes Serranidae鱸形目鮨科 Epinephelinae石斑魚亞科). 經過幾個月的認識和拍照, 我做了一些英中魚名字對照表(希望沒錯)。下面是有關石斑魚(Rockfish)名字對照表, 每二排上下圖同種魚, 一排(英文)二排(中文):

(上圖)這些中文名是屋崙華埠看到的, 不知道名字的來源。 其中我覺得龍躉斑(Grass rockfish)很好吃, 也叫龍膽石斑, 因為躉Dun3粵語發音Dan2, 在亞洲有叫龍躉石斑(Giant grouper, Epinephelus lanceolatus)的名貴魚。其他芝麻斑(China rockfish)、麻斑、棕斑等等也好吃。中文名有時混用, 基本上按照顏色來叫,紅的叫紅斑,藍的叫藍斑,黃的叫黃斑,黑的叫黑斑,棕色斑塊的叫麻斑, 鮮豔色斑塊的叫芝麻斑, 還好有一個拉丁裔店員,告訴我一些魚的英文名稱。

(下圖)另外華埠還有(一、二欄)老鼠斑(Kelp greenling)與(三欄上)七星斑(Lingcod), 它們不是Rockfish, 屬於鮋形目六線魚科(Scorpaeniformes Hexagrammidae), 和(三欄下)東星斑(Kelp bass?), 在亞洲這些是Groupers(石斑魚 Epinephelus)的名稱。產在東亞海域的黃魚,也是一種六線魚。美國的盲曹(鰽, 四欄上)是Largemouth bass(大口黑鱸), 與Kelp bass(大口副鱸, 三欄下)屬於鱸形目Perciformes。起初,老鼠斑讓我困惑,它的頭看起來不像老鼠,雄雌性有不同的色斑, 與亞洲的完全不是一個樣子。 還有大頭魚(五欄, 華埠叫石九公、石狗公, Cabezon, Scorpaenichthys marmoratus)屬於鮋形目杜父魚科(Scorpaeniformes Cottidae), 九、狗粵語發同音, 超過90%的紅魚是雄性,而超過90%的綠魚是雌性, 在亞洲石九公屬於鮋形目平鮋科(褐菖鮋 Sebastiscus marmoratus)。

另外還有屬於鮋形目鮋科(Scorpaeniformes Scorpaenidae)的紅龍(四欄下), 非常好吃。 疫情中, 原產於北太平洋寒冷水域的紅龍從每磅25美元降至17美元。魚老闆: 這是一種昂貴的野生魚,一生中至少要嘗試一次, 如果你住在加州,並且說不喜歡魚,那是因為還沒有嘗試最好的魚。哈... 對我來說,魚頭很大.....下一篇再介紹。我認為好吃的清蒸魚排名是(我個人看法, 將來可能改變): 紅龍、龍躉斑、老鼠斑、東星斑、芝麻斑>棕斑、麻斑、黃尾斑、黑斑、紅斑、七星斑、盲曹等等, 其實新鮮就好吃。(下面next post)根據加州魚類食用指南圖表: 黑斑,藍斑,棕斑,海藻斑,橄欖斑,紅紋斑,紅斑, 是4份/每周食用量, 比較貴好吃的: 黑黃斑,芝麻斑,銅斑,麻斑, 是1份/每周食用量。雖然龍躉石斑,紅龍沒列, 應該也是健康食魚。

Updated 2022.10.3

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

什麼是健康食魚? 屋崙華埠反仇視亞裔

最近世界日報和其他華文媒體, 報導了一項健康食用海鮮的研究(Fish Intervention Study for Health, University of Illinois),把石斑魚列為不健康食魚, 我認為這是錯誤的, 因為作者不了解什麼是石斑魚。我上次向大家介紹了很多Oakland Chinatown石斑魚, 我認為需要澄清一下: 我們加州或者北美西海岸(我不知道其他地方), 這裡的石斑魚是Rockfish(鱸形目平鮋科), 不是亞洲的Grouper(鱸形目鮨科)。右下圖列了加州OEHHA官方魚類食用指南, 做了一些英中魚名翻譯, 說明大多數石斑魚(加州Rockfish)是健康食魚, 而且富含Omega-3。
最近朋友對吃健康魚感興趣, 我在世界日報的中文圖表(左下圖)中, 添加了朋友喜歡吃的石斑魚(Rockfish), 紅衣魚(Sheephead)和銀鱈(Sablefish, Blackcod)的食用排列,並加了所有魚英文名稱,以便可以搞清楚魚的種類。加州圖表上: 黑斑,藍斑,棕斑,海藻斑,橄欖斑,紅紋斑,紅斑, 是每周4份食用量, 比較貴好吃的: 黑黃斑,芝麻斑,銅斑,麻斑, 是每周1份食用量。雖然龍躉石斑,紅龍(鮋形目平鮋科)沒列, 應該類似棕斑, 是健康食魚。紅衣是每周2份, 銀鱈是每周1份。

不久前屋崙華埠看到紅龍不算貴, 對我來說,魚頭很大....哈。最近朋友吃了紅衣魚(也叫美麗突額隆頭魚,羊頭鯛 Sheephead)說很好吃,我去魚店看到不貴,魚老闆說魚才從南加州, 前一天運到很新鮮。 魚是否新鮮生猛,買魚時會猛跳躍, 如果不是自己買, 華埠廚師說, 在肉厚部分切幾刀,清蒸後魚肉會大裂開, 肉質肥嫩味道鮮美。清蒸龍躉石斑也類似。

華埠冬季時間很少出售好的活魚,只有棕石斑多一些比平時貴, 但根據加州魚類食用指南(上面), 是非常健康的食魚。在Ranch 99, 可以買到冷凍的野生東星斑(Strawberry grouper)和Yellowtail snaper及其他魚, 可以免費油炸(regular/deep-fried), 但不太健康。

(2/24)不久前華埠KMT附近的拐角處,一名白人婦女被搶劫,一名店員出來開槍, 警察逮捕了他。 之前一名91歲的老人從後面被推到人行道上, 所以老婆要我戴白帽子來掩蓋自己的白頭髮, 讓壞人不知道我的年齡, 哈... 就在我們的車旁, 華埠僱用了自己的保安,與車上的一位女士交談,因為她的窗被打碎了。現有義工在華埠街頭巡邏。(3/22)看到台山同鄉會治安巡邏隊, 還有屋崙(奧克蘭)市長就在那裡拍攝視頻, 呼籲停止對亞裔的仇恨犯罪, 她說白髮和老式相機(我沒有智能手機), 是容易被攻擊的目標。

Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) - Benefits and Risks of Eating Fish:
Fish provide a good source of protein and vitamins, and are a primary dietary source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids can: lower risk of heart disease, lower triglyceride levels, slow the growth of plaque in your arteries and slightly lower blood pressure.
Fish can take in harmful chemicals from the water and the food they eat. Chemicals like mercury and PCBs can build up in their bodies over time. High levels of mercury and PCBs can harm the brain and nervous system. Mercury can be especially harmful to fetuses, infants, and children because their bodies are still developing. PCBs can cause cancer and other harmful health effects.
While there are potential risks to consider, there are many health benefits of eating fish. If you avoid eating fish entirely, you won’t benefit from the nutrients that fish can provide. By following our fish advisories and properly cleaning, preparing, and cooking fish, you can safely enjoy the health benefits of eating fish.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

加州魚類食用指南 Advisory for eating fish from San Francisco Bay and California Coast

We’re lucky to be able to eat fresh fish from the San Francisco Bay and Pacific Ocean. Many fish in the bay and Ocean are healthy and safe to eat, but some fish have high levels of toxins that can harm your health and are not safe to eat. Below is the Statewide Advisory for Eating Fish from California Coast and San Francisco Bay (OEHHA, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment).
下面圖表加州魚類食用指南(年滿50歲的婦女和年滿18歲的男性), 我加了中文名字:


Safe to eat fish from the San Francisco Bay and Pacific Ocean
Statewide Advisory for Eating Fish from California Coastal Locations
Selected Saltwater Fish of California
California Marine Sportfish Identification: Rockfish

Monday, January 25, 2021

2021 牛年快樂 Year 0f Ox

Welcome the Year 0f Ox 牛年快樂! 恭喜能夠打到疫苖, 準備過年!
2016年被猴子耍了, 2017年沒抓住雞會, 2018年真的走狗運, 2019年過豬般生活, 2020年鼠疫大流行, 2021年牛魔王到來。
(2/12 New Year)疫情以來,屋崙華埠生意大受打擊,直到五月開始暴力示威,許多商店慘遭打砸搶,到了九月中野火煙熏,華埠又被縱火燃燒,近來犯罪大幅增加,推倒91歲華裔老人。魑魅魍魎怎麼就這麼多! 今年牛年, 請牛魔王來擒妖降魔 。Bull Demon King (牛魔王) was sworn-brother of Monkey King (孫悟空)。 In Kung Fu Panda 3, Kai (天煞) was like a brother to Oogway (烏龜). In Greek mythology, Minotaur (希臘牛頭人) dwelt inside Labyrinth (迷宮) built for King Minos of Crete at Palace Knossos (克諾索斯宮). Click to watch all videos: Chinese New Year 農曆新年 Videos

2021 牛年快樂 Year 0f Ox: Gong Xi Fa Cai 恭喜發財(+2016 猴年快樂 Year of Monkey: Avenue of Babel, 通天大道寬又闊)

2018 狗年快樂 Year of Dog from Kooper & Caomi; 2017 雞年快樂 Year of Rooster: Let It Go, 賀年歌

Sunday, January 10, 2021

2020 疫情中到被打砸搶的華埠買活海鮮 Pandemic Oakland Chinatown

(2/5)我們取消了旅行,從台北飛回舊金山。 上千的人擁擠在機場海關,包括官員沒有人戴著口罩。 後來我才了解到, 當時隱性病例已經在世界上流行了, 這會使美國陷入大麻煩。早期美國官方並不鼓勵戴口罩, 但屋崙華埠人們更習慣戴口罩。從2月以來, 華埠生意大受打擊,直到五月開始暴力示威,許多商店慘遭打砸搶。到了九月中野火煙熏, 華埠又被縱火燃燒(9/16)。On 2/5, we canceled our travels and flew back from Taipei to San Francisco. Thousands of people crowded at airport customs but hardly anyone wore masks, including the officials. Later I realized that this would get USA into big trouble. Business in Oakland Chinatown has been upended since February when fear of the new coronavirus dissuaded customers from visiting the area. In May, violent demonstrations began, many shops in Chinatown were brutally looted. In September, wildfire smoke started and Chinatown was ripped by a 5-alarm fire.
Click to see all "Seafood Cooking", "Food in General", "Chinatown Shopping", "Chinatown Streets" pictures
(3/17)居家令開始"Shelter-in-place" started. 2月份疫情已經開始, 華埠生意難做,海鮮開始大減價,螃蟹移到人行道上賣, 搶了3只。北極蝦仍然昂貴,後來再也看不到了。從3月17日開始,政府下居家令"Shelter in Place”3週, 不能出去,除了像買菜一些必要的出門。 所有商店都擠滿了人, 但是唐人街很空,商店裡沒人排隊。在居家令開始那天,魚老闆促銷活蝦, 賣給我10磅,每磅3.99美元。10磅蝦可以持續吃3週,患難見真情,不能請朋友來吃, 哈..... 後來又買了花蝦(below圖像)。直到現在八月,很少活蝦出售,也許漁民因為疫情沒出海捕魚。Starting March 17, government ordered "Shelter in Place" for 3 weeks. We couldn't go out except some essential trips like buying food. All regular stores were packed with people. However, Chinatown was quite empty and no lines in stores. I bought 10 lb live shrimps (called sweet shrimp), $3.99/lb, so it would last for 3 weeks. Ha..... Until now in August, very few live shrimp was for sale.

(3/29)疫情中牡丹閣海鮮酒家於3月9日關閉, 野生魚降價促銷, 原產於北太平洋寒冷水域的紅龍從每磅25美元降至17美元, 對我來說,頭很大,魚肉少, 哈.. Chinatown's Peony Seafood Restaurant closed on March 9 and its wild fish supplier marked down seafood prices. Shortspine Thornyhead (阿拉斯加鮶鮋, 紅龍 means Red Dragon in Chinese, Idiot Fish), native to the cold waters of the northern Pacific Ocean, is down to $17 per pound from $25.

(4/24)買了兩隻大貴妃蚌, 清蒸貴妃蚌 is too hard for me, instead 炒韭菜 grown in our front yard. But 老婆 does not like it.

(5/8-12) Mother's Day was May 10. Until the big fire on 9/16, we had our live seafood cooked in this neigboring restaurant. Very convenient!

(8/3)買了游水老鼠斑,兩條麻斑(Kelp Greenling, Gopher Rockfish), 到隔壁餐館烹飪(看視頻), 看清蒸石斑魚技巧。 以前做了很多次,只這次拍攝了視頻。麻斑是給朋友煮的, 交換一些他家種的瓜菜, 互相合作, 哈!

(8/19)龍蝦尾Safeway大減價每尾$ 4.99, 老婆一大早晨買了剛出來的新鮮龍蝦尾 (疫情中我不敢去Safeway), 買了伊麵(3堆每個$2.6, 現在貴了), 請大廚做龍蝦尾伊麵, $10烹調費。這家餐館還幫助我們做粽子, 自備瘦肉和蛋黃, 以前都是買活龍蝦(5/8)和螃蟹來做的。

(9/12)在華埠, 買了一條紅龍(Shortspine Thornyhead, Idiot Fish) - 魚老闆: 這是一種昂貴的野生魚,一生中至少要嘗試一次, 如果你住在加州,說不喜歡魚,那是因為還沒有嘗試最好的魚, 哈... 老婆親自清蒸, 清蒸+砂鍋紅龍, 一魚兩吃。

(5/31)I began taking video in May. 請看視頻: "Shop Pandemic Chinatown of Oakland 2020 疫情中屋崙華埠購物"。This video was featured in a Oakland News. It is also the starting video of a playlist for all videos. 我一直在屋崙華埠購買食物, 發現不那麼擁擠, 排隊很短, 更敞開通氣, 特別是買活魚, 也幫朋友買, 是疫情中有趣的活動。 Since February until April, I found that Oakland Chinatown's shops were less crowded, shorter lines, people more used to wearing masks and more open-air setting. My "understanding and caution" is that the risk is higher shopping at big indoor stores or markets. Click to watch all videos: Pandemic Time & Places 2020.
在這2020年疫情中, 屋崙華埠被打砸搶, 野火煙熏, 又被縱火燒, 我的視頻在本地新聞中, 被引用來拯救奧克蘭(沒有問過我)。請聽音樂"夢回奧克蘭"(renamed): "Shop Chinatown of Oakland in pandemic May-Jun-Nov 2020" - "How Oakland Chinatown Fire and Pandemic Stopped Shopping In Heartbreaking YouTube Video - This video by Wy Woo on YouTube shows the before and after story of what happened to a once-thriving 8th and Webster Oakland Chinatown Shopping Area that consists of long-time eateries .... It also shows the failure of Oakland’s so-called economic development program to come to the aide of these businesses. What’s happened to Oakland’s once vaunted economic development programs is the real story – a take of massive government failure."

(5/31)"Looting & shopping of Oakland Chinatown in May-June 2020 pandemic屋崙華埠被打砸搶"。在五月裡,抗議示威開始, 不少華埠商鋪被暴徒打砸洗劫, 損失慘重, 第二晚回來再搶,就像沒警察。(7/6)"Boarded-up Chinatown of 8th street Oakland in July 2020 pandemic屋崙華埠釘上木板+火燒Fire"。許多被打砸的商鋪裝上木板, 被繪畫塗鴉, 很早就關門, 魚老闆離開時向我揮手。 Added 5-alarm 9/16 fire (九月16日屋崙華埠5級大火)。The July part of this video was featured in a Oakland News.

(7/18)"Shop for live seafood after 5pm Sat. July 2020 in pandemic Oakland Chinatown 屋崙華埠採購海鮮+火燒Fire"。 星期六下午5點之後, 想採購海鮮但店關門。Buying rockfish(8/3), added mural video after fire (華埠大火); (5/20)"Shelter-in-Place, Pandemic Lake Merritt of Oakland May 2020 疫情中美麗湖"。I was driving along Lakeshore Ave in July. Wow! there were many activities and people totally ignored government's sign "no parking". On 9/12, under heavy wildfire smoke (AQI>200). On 10/25, night time scene.

(8/1)"Boarded-up Renaissance Plaza of pandemic Oakland Chinatown 8/1/2020 屋崙華埠富興中心買燒臘"。此前受新冠疫情影響而暫停營業的金記小館和金閣, 已開放接受外賣, 可以買到一般燒臘, 滷水鴨, 滷味墨魚, 相當的好; "Shopping on Webster St. of pandemic Oakland Chinatown 8/1/2020 屋崙華埠街上買外賣"。可以吃到平時想吃的, 如韭菜盒子, 廣西螺獅粉, 臘味煲仔飯, 餛飩麵, 海南雞飯等等。

(3/17) On the day of "Shelter in Place", I took some pictures at the intersection of the 8th (3 shops selling live seafood on this steet) and Franklin Streets. 華埠2月份海鮮開始大減價,海鮮移到人行道上賣, 我先搶了3只螃蟹。

(9/16)During the epidemic, the stock market is rising, Oakland Chinatown is broken and looted, smoked by wildfires and set on fire. 疫情中, 股市撲朔迷離, 屋崙華埠被打砸搶、野火煙熏, 又被縱火燒:

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2020華埠購買活魚+中英名對照 Buy live fish in pandemic Oakland Chinatown - 5 posts
2021 牛年快樂 Year 0f Ox + 2016 猴年 Year of Monkey
加州魚類食用指南 Advisory for eating fish from San Francisco Bay and California Coast
疫情中到被打砸搶的華埠買活海鮮 2020 pandemic Oakland Chinatown
2020 華埠被縱火後吃什麼? Take-out food to end pandemic year
GS Warriors 金州勇士隊 2017 NBA冠軍, 奧克蘭是我的家鄕
南加州蘆葦平原野花大盛開 Wildflower Superbloom 2017
Chinese New Year 雞年 Videos 2017
Oakland Ghost Ship Warehouse Fire 2016
週末秋日遊 Tilden Park, 百香果開花時
死亡谷野花大綻放與大風暴 Death Valley Super Bloom 2016
Monkey King and the Ox; The Year of Monkey 猴年快樂; 美麗湖 Lake Merritt 2016
Going to San Francisco a day after Christmas 2015
最美麗的狗公園 Point Isabel, 香蕉開花成熟時 2015
美麗湖 NBA冠軍: Golden State Warriors金州勇士隊 2015
種植耐寒的竹蕉瓜果等等, Lake Merritt Gardens, Morcom Rose Garden 2014
夢工廠動畫{馴龍高手2}上映, 美麗湖邊吃Prime Rib + Oakland Chinatown 2014
灣區往北小鎮的"死魚"餐館及Port Costa之夜 2013
美麗湖將成為美麗海 2013
Filoli 北加州最美麗的花園 2013
舊金山 San Francisco Scenes, 夢工廠推出動畫片"The Croods" 2013
Point Reyes 看燈塔、象海豹、 麋鹿, 吃牡蠣 2013
東灣海邊随拍 2012 + pre
天涯海角的燈塔、沉船 2012
美國第一灘 Coronado Beach, San Diego 市區海邊夜景 2012
LA城中區復甦計畫+馬達加斯加3首映 2012
舊金山以北的小村鎮 2012
三藩市龍年大慶祝, 過元宵,美式足球超級星期天 2012
夢工廠推出動畫片鞋貓劍客, 農曆新年快樂, 好萊塢聖誕隨拍 2011
走上舊金山惡魔島 2011
潮落潮起奧克蘭美麗湖 2011
好萊塢環球影城{功夫熊猫2}首映 2011, 好萊塢環球影城{馴龍高手}首映, 2010
加州橘郡的爾灣市 2010
加州舊金山灣區螃蟹大豐收 2009
加州洛杉磯好萊塢隨拍, 北加州景色, 奧克蘭美麗湖, 南加州洛杉磯未必是好萊塢 2009
萬聖節小鬼照片, 美國西部風景 2009

Some USA trips had been moved to Travels in America.
Watch Welcome to Hotel California (Southern) in Youtube.
Watch Going to San Francisco in Youtube.
This blog reposted some sceneries originally posted on Xinyi site (信宜-玉都風情网).
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